UPRHSD Public Relations
Our Public Information Officer (PIO) is Janeé Karle, jkarle@uprad.org. You can call her at (719) 687-2291.
Ute Pass Regional Health Service District provides both dedicated and non-dedicated services for a myriad of special events. We can provided medical coverage for:
- Sporting Events
- On Location Movie Shoots
- Mass Gathering Events
- Other High Risk Activities
We also enjoy participating in community events such as:
- Touch a Truck (youth tours of our equipment)
- Health Fairs
- Community Markets
- Scouting and other youth groups
- Educational & Prevention Programs
If you desire or require a Paramedic or staffed ambulance for your event, please contact Teresa Weiss at tweiss@uprad.org or you can call her at the office during normal business hours Monday through Friday (719) 686-6692. Rates and availability will be provided upon request. Services are provided on a first come first served bases, so please book early to insure availability.