Ute Pass Regional Ambulance District covers over 539 square miles that include parts of Douglas, Teller, and Park counties. It consists of both semi-urban and rural areas and serves over 19,000 residents.
Our District coordinates with 5 fire agencies, including Northeast Teller County Fire Protection District, Divide Fire Protection District, Mountain Communities Fire Protection District, Florissant Fire Protection District, and Lake George Fire Protection District, and has mutual aid agreements with Green Mountain Fire Protection District and Guffey Fire Protection Department.
Mission Statement
District Goal:
It is the goal of Ute Pass Regional Health Service District (UPRAD) to provide its patients with the best possible service including emergency medical evaluation, patient care, and transport. This is accomplished by hiring the most qualified, compassionate, and competent staff and providing them with the most appropriate and up-to-date vehicles and equipment to accomplish the mission and goals of the District. This care must be provided to all residents and visitors of the UPRAD response area, regardless of their ability to pay.
The District is a title 32 Special District by the Colorado Revised Statute and is supported by a tax-funded mil levy, a Woodland Park sales tax, and ambulance user fees. An elected five-member board of directors provides oversight for the District.
Medical Direction:
911 Medical Direction is provided by Dr. Sean Kenan who is Board Certified in Emergency Medicine.
Community Paramedic Medical Direction is provided by Dr. Jeremy DeWall who is Board Certified in Emergency Medicine.
The annual operating budget of the department is approximately $8 million.
UPRAD is sustained by a 3.99 mill levy, a sales tax of .1%, patient and insurance billing, and grants.
The District owns two 911 response stations located in Woodland Park and Florissant. We have 2 ALS crews stationed in Woodland Park and 1 ALS crew stationed in Florissant. Additionally, UPRHSD has an Administration Facility in Woodland Park that houses the Community Paramedic Program and the Education Classroom.
We employ full-time paramedics and EMTs, as well as part-time paramedics and EMTs. Our 3 shifts work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The department owns 7 advanced life support ambulances and operates three Paramedic ambulances, 6 Alternative Care Transport vehicles (SUV), and 2 administration vehicles. The District employs 62 people including 16 Paramedics, 26 EMTs, and 8 full-time paramedic supervisors.
As members of Ute Pass Regional Health Service District, we are committed to:
- Treating all people we contact fairly and compassionately and with dignity and respect.
- Providing the best patient care possible and improving the care we provide through continued study and practice of our profession.
- Considering all individuals and agencies we work with as allies and professionals in their own right to ensure our mutual focus remains on providing superior patient care, which is our utmost priority.
- Being responsive and accountable to the needs of our community for, without them, we would not exist.
- Being patient, flexible to change, and a productive part of our community and the Ute Pass Regional Health Service District.